Pre & Post Care

Dermal Fillers | Before Treatment
​Notify Nakd if..​
You've had any illness, infections, immunizations, dental or medical procedures in the two week period before your appointment
You are prone to cold sores
You have severe allergies to anything
You have had an adverse event with previous injectable filler treatments
You have a special eventsor vacations planned within two weeks following your treatment (that you are not okay with having bruising and/or swelling for).
There are medications and supplements that increase your risk of bruising. Do not stop prescribed medications without discussing this with your ordering physician.
​You should avoid these supplements and over the counter medications (if applicable) 3-5 days prior to your treatment.​
NSAIDs (Advil, Motrin, Aleve, ibuprofen), Aspirin, Fish oil, Tumeric, Garlic, Ginko, Ginseng, All Herns, Guarana, Vitamin E, Vervain, St Johns wart ​
Microneedling | Before Treatment
​Notify Nakd if..​​
If your face or treatment area has irritated skin (sunburn, open wounds, sores) the day preceding your appointment, please contact our office before your appointment.
If you are prone to herpes simplex outbreaks, such as cold sores, consult your provider on ways to treat prior or whether the procedure is appropriate for you.
This procedure may not be performed on active breakouts or open lesions. Please consult your provider prior to your Microneedling procedure to address any issues.
If you have recently used spray or self-tanning lotions on treatment areas before your Microneedling procedure, discuss with your provider.
Avoid sun exposure for 24 hours prior to the procedure.
5 days prior to treament discontinue the use of topical products containing Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA's), Retinol (Vitamin A), Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic Acid), or topical scrubs.
If you are on autoimmune therapy, ask your provider if the procedure is appropriate for you.